
Design Roadmap Page

Sketch and design the layout for the upcoming Roadmap page on TheDevStarter website.

Implement Roadmap UI

Code the frontend of the Roadmap page, ensuring it aligns with the overall design and theme of TheDevStarter.

Integrate Dynamic Data

Implement functionality to dynamically populate the Roadmap page with real-time data, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

Test Roadmap Page

Conduct thorough testing of the Roadmap page to identify and fix any bugs or issues, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Update Documentation

Update the documentation to include details about the newly added Roadmap page, providing users with comprehensive information.

Deploy Changes

Deploy the updated version of TheDevStarter website, including the newly added Roadmap page, to make it accessible to users.

In Progress

Implement Roadmap UI

Currently working on coding the frontend of the Roadmap page, ensuring it aligns with the overall design and theme of TheDevStarter.

Integrate Dynamic Data

In the process of implementing functionality to dynamically populate the Roadmap page with real-time data, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

Test Roadmap Page

Currently conducting thorough testing of the Roadmap page to identify and fix any bugs or issues, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Update Documentation

Currently updating the documentation to include details about the newly added Roadmap page, providing users with comprehensive information.


Design Roadmap Page

Successfully designed the layout for the Roadmap page on TheDevStarter website.

Implement Roadmap UI

Completed coding the frontend of the Roadmap page, ensuring it aligns with the overall design and theme of TheDevStarter.

Integrate Dynamic Data

Implemented functionality to dynamically populate the Roadmap page with real-time data, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

Test Roadmap Page

Conducted thorough testing of the Roadmap page, identifying and fixing any bugs or issues for a smooth user experience.

Update Documentation

Successfully updated the documentation to include details about the newly added Roadmap page, providing users with comprehensive information.